Stress-Burnout-Bullying Coaching
Health prevention coaching
In individual or group work, the aim is to recognize symptoms of stress, the risk of burnout, conflicts and physical stress in professional and private situations.
Our goal is to show you how an energy-life and work-life balance can be achieved. We support you to deal better with stress and conflict situations and to increase your mental strength, positive thinking and stress resistance.
It is a mixture of interview, stress test procedure, analysis and individual coaching. It is systematic and solution-oriented.

The conversation is supplemented by body-oriented measures. In addition to yoga, for example through autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation (according to Jacobsen), energy life massage, kinesiology (TCM). The applications are carried out sitting and lying down and in the clothed state.
In addition to the coaching sessions, it is important to us to give you short relaxation methods that can be incorporated into everyday life and carried out independently.
For us, a relaxed attitude and appreciative communication are the prerequisites for developing new solutions.
In the future we will offer individual and group coaching and course formats. Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in appointments.